

Southern Africa is a region of the continent of Africa, consisting of many unique countries. It is a captivating juxtaposition of the timelessness of its wild places and the complexity of its history, from the birth of civilization through a turbulent colonial past to emerging democracies facing their own challenges.

We specialise in the Big 5 countries of the region: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Get ready for an immersion into spectacular wildlife whilst exploring the region through the eyes of our local guides who call it home.

Your journey to Southern Africa with us will reawaken your senses and connect you to the power of Mother Africa.

Judith recalls

My Grandfather was an avid amateur astronomer who would wake us at 3.00am to look at the Milky Way painted across the sky. He exhorted us to “listen – you can hear the stars twinkle!” He was right. The sound stays with me still, although I know now it was the sound of hundreds of crickets chirping. Years later I discovered that the San people of Namibia and Botswana also believed you could communicate with the stars. Being out in the one of the most isolated places on the planet at night, with no ambient light pollution is one of the most profound experiences which I seek out at every opportunity when visiting these countries.

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