ZIMBABWEThe Smoke that Thunders

Zimbabwe is famous for its UNESCO world heritage sites, including the magnificent Victoria Falls and the Great Zimbabwe ruins dating back as far as 900 C.E. Hwange Game Reserve is similarly known for its vast herds of animals, while the country has numerous smaller, hidden safari gems just waiting to be explored. 

Unlike some of its more desert-like neighbors, Zimbabwe’s environment is lush and rich, allowing for a wide variety of habitats and experiences. 


A sunset cruise along the mighty Zambezi River is a unique way to view the animals that roam freely along its banks.

Relax on the lawn of your hotel while pesky warthogs snuffle around you.

Marvel at the ancient rock art and granite boulders of Matobo National Park.

Visit the Gonarezhou National Park to view vast herds of buffalo and elephants, and dramatic red sandstone cliffs.

“Ending the trip at Victoria Falls was such a great idea. It allowed us to get back to civilization slowly!”

 good to know

When to visit

We love May – Sep when wildlife viewing is at its peak, plus it’s the best time to view Victoria Falls.


Herds of elephants, buffalo, giraffe, hippos and lions.  Rhino, leopard and cheetah are rarer.

Getting there

Fly from Johannesburg or Cape Town to Victoria Falls airport.

Travelling around

Small bush planes or safari vehicles. Self-drive is not recommended.

Be aware of

Pay with small USD bills as change will be given in local Zim Dollars. Unwanted change will usually be gratefully accepted by the locals.

Great for

White water rafting, zip lining or bungee jumping from the Victoria Falls bridge - an adventurer’s paradise.

Children in the Wilderness Mountain Bike Tour

This exciting annual event brings together visitors and local communities, taking riders on unmarked routes and ancient game trails for four days and five nights. Over the last 14 years, the Tour has hosted approximately 3,500 participants and raised R19 million for Children in the Wilderness

JUDITH Recalls…

“My favorite memory of Zimbabwe is celebrating Christmas with friends on a luxury houseboat on Lake Kariba in the Matusadona National Park.  Enjoying roast turkey in the blazing heat, while singing Christmas carols and being observed by herds of quizzical elephants and prehistoric crocodiles is a one-of-a-kind experience!”

A Wildlife Management Success Story

Since the 1990s Zimbabwe has become one of the leading countries in Africa in wildlife conservation and management of its protected areas, overseen by the very capable Parks and Wildlife Board. The country's wildlife is found in remote or rugged terrain, in miombo woodlands and thorny acacia or koppies (small hills). The prominent fauna includes, amongst many others, Cape buffalo, elephant, black rhinoceros, southern giraffe, leopard, lion, plains zebra, and several antelope species, as well as the graceful Sable.

Political History

Zimbabwe has long been seen as a prize to be wrested from other contenders, due to its rich mineral wealth and strategic position geographically.  It was long fought over by warring tribal factions before the colonial powers joined the fray in the 1800s, resulting in political instability and trauma to the local people, as well as impacting the health of its wildlife. 

Today the country is an independent nation still coming to grips with its turbulent past.

Can you picture yourself
in Zimbabwe?

Get in touch to arrange a free, no obligation call with Judith to discuss your tailored trip.

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